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4th of July Parade in Etna Green

Starting out we did not think that with only a month before the 4th of July, anyone could pull off restarting the 4th of July Parade in Etna Green. It had ended years ago. I'm not sure what year, but I've heard 20 or more years ago.

I just remember as a kid, sitting next to Grandpa for the big parade was the best thing of the summer. Our whole family watched the Parade, then Grandpa took my brother and I to the park to get something to eat & see what all was going on.

The community of Etna Green, & the surrounding communities shocked us. Not only did we get 50 entries, but almost 20 more showed up the morning of the Parade to jump in line! Even the police were excited about this starting back up. All we can say is that this community really pulled together and rocked out a great parade! This just made us feel so great about coming back to the Etna Elevator & the Etna Green Community.

Next year we are hoping, with a lot of help, to get the festival going back down at the park! I hope everyone is already as excited about this as we are! A community that can come together at the last minute like we saw this year, is a community that can do anything it wants to do when you work together.

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